His Dark Materials is the new smash-hit series set in a multi-world reality, beginning in an alternative world where all humans have animal companions called daemons, which are manifestations of the human soul. The series follows the life of a young orphan named Lyra, who after discovering some shocking secrets, is lead on a journey of epic proportions throughout various worlds. Funko's wave of His Dark Materials Pop Vinyl Figures features four characters, who all come with their respective Daemons as well; firs tup we've got Lyra holding Pan, Lee Scoresby joined by Hester, Lyra's father Lord Asriel Belacqua with Stelmaria, as well as Mrs. Coulter, complete with monkey. Add the new His Dark Materials Pop Vinyl Figures to your Funko collection today From His Dark Materials, Lee with Hester, as a stylized Pop Stylized collectable stands 3 3/4 inches tall, perfect for any His Dark Materials fan Collect and display all His Dark Materials POP Vinyls- Brand: Funko
- Category: Action & Toy Figures
- Fruugo ID: 55076769-111904732
- EAN: 889698552226
- Sold by: LatestBuy