The animated series Darkwing Duck from the minds at Disney was an early 90s classic that imagined a superhero that swoops out of the shadows to get a little dangerous with the baddies The nemesis and regular villain of the show Negaduck is a similarly dressed and evil doppelganger of Darkwing and is the literal Negative or opposite of our main hero Hailing from the world of Negaverse, he is always looking for a crazed way to challenge the heroes of the Disney classic Beast Kingdoms Entertainment Experience Brand is ready to showcase a Dynamic 8ction Heroes set that will surely get the evil in you hyped The DAH-040SP Negaduck is smartly dressed in his yellow suit made of real fabric Included with the over 20 points of articulation figure is a set of replaceable eyes and mouths to really bring out the wicked character of Negaduck. A host of weapons also showcase the many dastardly attacks Negaduck subjects Darkwing and co to on a regular basis such as his favorite b Three (3) pairs of replaceable eyes (Regular, angry, wide-eyed) Three (3) replaceable mouths (Open, closed, grinning) Six (6) pairs of replaceable hands (Open, gripping, closed, fist, holding bomb) Chainsaw Bomb Detonator Removable red detective hat Costume made of real fabric Special, branded figure base with bracket- Brand: Unbranded
- Category: Action & Toy Figures
- Fruugo ID: 123735802-260081571
- EAN: 4711061157003
- Sold by: LatestBuy